Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island country located off the southeast coast of India. It is about 25,000 square miles in size (about the size of West Virginia).  It has a population of approximately 21 million.
Colombo is Sri Lanka’s largest and former capital city with a metropolitan population of around 2 million.

Colombo is a bustling port located on the southwest coast.

Being a crowded city "took tooks" or three-wheeled taxis are a popular mode of transportation. We did not get a good clear photo of a took took, so you will have to piece one together from the following photos.


The topography around Colombo is very flat and marshy.

    Sri Lanka is known for having many lakes, with about 4% of the island being made up of water.   This was a small one and mostly covered with lotus plants.

    Rice is a common crop in this part of the country. Tea is grown in the mountainous regions of the country.
Sri Lanka has a large amount of forested land. From the wood many different types of carvings are produced.


Sri Lanka is also known for its large elephant population. This one was not real happy about being chained up.

Cows were seen roaming about.

We also saw a monitor lizard. This one was reportedly a small one. They can grow to over 10 feet in length.


We visited the Kalaniya Temple established some 2200 years ago.

As with the other Buddhist temples there were seated Buddha’s

And reclining Buddha's
But this temple also had some very detailed wall murals depicting various Buddhist stories.

We visited another temple that seemed more like a museum with a vast collection of all sorts of different items.

I found this a curious addition to the base of a building. But then I thought, rather than be like Atlas and go it alone, why not invite a few of your friends over to lighten the load.

Amongst all the old style architecture this newly constructed local municipal government building had a little bit of our White House and Capital combined.

The end of another fine day.

Next stop Cochin, India.