Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, another very modern city and former capital city of Malaysia, is known mostly for it's tallest building, the twin Petronus Towers.  On the right in the following photo, at 1482 feet the Petronus Tower was the tallest building in the world from 1997 till 2003.  It still is the tallest twin structure in the world.  Also in the photo below, on the left is the Menara Tower, the 6th tallest telecomunications tower in the world.

The Petronus Towers were featured in the 1999 movie "Entrapment" staring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones.
Fun with the iPad.

Tickets to go to the top of the Petronus Tower were sold out for the day so we settled for the next highest Menara Tower.
Views of the city from the top were impressive.  Reminded us a little of Atlanta.

We also visited the Central Market built in 1888 and old China Town.
Not sure what some of these fruits are.
Or what is done with these flat dried ducks.
We are sure the mysteries will continue in our next stop, Langkewi.

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