Sunday, January 20, 2013

Back in Kathmandu

Once back in Kathmandu we had a tour of important religious and historical sites.
Patan Dunbar Square located in the center of Lalitpur City just outside Kathmandu
Many of the current structures date back to the 17th century, though the area dates back to the 6th century.
The Golden Temple of Kathmandu.

The head monk of this Buddist temple can be no more than 12 years old.  Local  families via for the honor.  Once chosen the monk serves for one month and can not leave the temple during that time.  This young monk looks about ready to leave.

Temple statues

Monkey statue and prayer wheels.

Buddist "Thousand Lights" offering

Buddist Offerings

Wedding ceremony

We had a "singing bowl" demonstration

They are hand-made from 7 different types of metal.  When struck with a mallet they have a tonal vibration that is reported to cure many physical ailments.  Such as headaches.


They come in all sizes, each with different vibrations for different uses.
No we did not buy any.

Swayambhunath Religious Complex also known as the Monkey Temple.

"Budda Eyes" also know as Wisdom Eyes face out in four directions to symbolize the all-seeing omniscience of Budda.

Over 400 steps lead up to the site.

Panoramic view of Kathmandu from the Temple complex.

Holy Temple monkeys roam about freely.

Prayer wheels are spun clockwise to accumulate "good karma" and expel "bad karma"


Buddist monk pray room

Stupa (a Buddist symbol of enlightenment) with prayer flags


Back on the streets of Kathmandu vegatable vendors offer fresh produce.

Nepalese delivery truck

Our next stop Paro, Bhutan

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