Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kathmandu, Nepal

Flying to Kathmandu we got our first views of the Himalayan Mountain Range.
The Himalayans are the highest mountain range in the world.
Nepal contains 8 of the only 14 mountains in the world with a height greater then 8,000 meters
 (26,247 feet)  Mt. Everest being the world's highest at 29,029 feet.  Can not wait to see it!
Making the landing approach revealed Kathmandu to be shrouded in fog/smog.
On the ground we found Kathmandu to be similar to cities we have visited previously in India.
Many small shops on the ground floor with residences above. 

Many vendors on the street sides.
Some very rough living conditions.

Motorcycles are a common mode of transportation.
Bright spot of color in the fog.
We had a sightseeing flight planned to Mt. Everest...but the fog cancelled that. 
Have to settle with a stock photo for now
Next stop Pokhara, Nepal

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