Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tanzania - Lake Victoria

Tanzania located to the south of Kenya on the east coast of Africa is about the size of Texas and New Mexico combined, with a population of about 45 million.
Conditions in Tanzania were found to be similar to that in Kenya, though the roads were much better.

We stayed at the Speke Bay Lodge, a beautiful little paradise on the shores of Lake Victoria.  Again no internet and electricity for only a few hours a day.


View from the back of our bungalow.
I considered going for a swim until I noticed this fellow sunning on the bank.  Waters are certainly not safe in Africa!

Enjoyed the sunset after carefully checking the shoreline.
At breakfast the next morning we found the birds, even though much prettier, to be as much of a pest as the crocs.

Lake Victoria, at 26,600 square miles is Africa's largest lake, the world's largest tropical lake and the world's second largest freshwater lake, second only to Lake Superior.

We took a canoe ride along the shores of the lake and saw local fishermen in action.
The canoe rowers sang a traditional fishing song to us while rowing in the video below.
Click on brackets in bottom right corner of video clip for full screen version.

We visited a local village.

Wives of the fishermen were selling that morning's catch.

This fish is a tilapia.
Other produce was also being sold.

Conditions in the village were minimal.

A home's kitchen.

Bright colors in a drab existence.

Makes us thankful for what we have.
Next stop The Serengeti.

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