Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tanzania - Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater is a large unbroken, unflooded volcanic caldera.  The crater, which formed when a giant volcano exploded and collapsed on itself approximately 2 to 3 million years ago, is about 2,000 feet deep.  The rim is 12 to 14 miles wide.  The floor of the crater is about 100 square miles in area.
We stayed at the Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge located on the north rim of the crater.  Even with these fine accommodations as we have become accustom, there was no internet access and electricity was only available part-time.

In the morning we headed into the crater with all the other tourists.

There are estimated to be about 25,000 animals living in the crater.  Most all animals found in East Africa are also found in the crater, except impalas, topis, giraffes and crocodiles.  Most common in the crater are wildebeest, gazelles and zebra.

Since there is no outlet other than evaporation, water in the crater's lake is very salty, which provides home for a huge number of flamingos.

These wildebeest appear to be walking on water, but it is just a shallow pool of water.

We also saw hyena.

And a sleeping jackal.

This hawk was keeping an eye open for small prey.

There were also several hippos.

Now hippos are only found in freshwater, so where is the freshwater coming from?  And if the lake is brackish what do all the animals in the crater drink?  There are actually several freshwater springs found in the crater.

The cold spring water produces marshy areas where hippos can actually stay cool during the day without having to remain in the water.

We saw this male lion which is about 3 years old and has not grown his full mane yet.

Once out of the crater we headed for Arusha.  The land in this area is very fertile and the people grow many different types of crops.

In Arusha we had a meal at a local family's home.

The food was excellent.

The next morning we had a 6 a.m. flight back to Nairobi for a connecting flight onto Johannesburg.

Mount Kilimanjaro at sunrise.

Sunrise over Nairobi.
Next stop Johannesburg, South Africa.

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